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Magento Page Builder: All About the Map Content Type

magento page builder map content type
* For more useful tutorials on Magento Page Builder Open Source, follow our series.

Google Map is among the most important UI elements of a website. The same goes for any Magento website, that’s why there is the Magento Page Builder Map content type. 

A map embed API gives customers more detailed information about your business (phone number, reviews, star ratings, etc.), helps them determine your physical location to plan their trip, and increases your brand awareness and credibility. As a result, it increases the conversion rate of your site and the revenue of your business.

If you now understand the importance of the Map in Magento Page Builder, then the next step is to create it. This article will guide you through all the essential steps and if you are in stage 2, this is made for you. 

Where is Map Content Type Located in Magento 2 Page Builder?

In the Magento Page Builder workspace, Map content type is on the left panel, under Media section. 

map content type location
Master Media content types in Magento Page Builder:
Magento Page Builder: All About the Video Content Type
Magento Page Builder: All About the Banner Content Type
Magento Page Builder: All About the Slider Content Type
Magento Page Builder: All About the Image Content Type

Introduce Magento Page Builder Map Toolbox

There will be a map toolbox when you hover over the Map container. 

MoveMoves the map to other positions on the stage. 
(label) MapShows that the current container is a map container.
SettingsOpens the Edit Map editor to change the properties of the map and its container.
HideHides the current map.
ShowShows the hidden map.
DuplicateMakes a copy of the current map.
RemoveDeletes the Map from the stage.

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How to Configure Google Maps for Your Admin

In this section we will go through 2 steps: 

  •  Get your Google Maps API key 
  • Configure Google Maps in Commerce. 

Before adding a map, if you don’t have a Google Maps Platform account for a free trial then you must create one. The free trial is for a year and comes with a $300 credit. Don’t worry if you use up your credit because Google will not bill your account without permission. 

1. Step 1: Get API Key for Your Google Maps 

Whether you already have a Google Maps key or not, you can follow one of these procedures below to get the API key required for your configuration. 

You must be a site administrator who has the authority to enable billing for your account to set up a Google Maps key. If you aren’t ready to set up a Google Maps Platform account right now, you may skip this step and use the placeholder map instead.

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  2. Create a new project,
create new project google api

or select the project from the drop-down menu at the top of the website you want to add an API key.

drop down select project google api
  1. Follow the steps to set up your API credentials.
  2. Copy and paste your API Key into the clipboard. 

2. Step 2: Configure Google Maps in Commerce

  1. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration on the Admin sidebar.
sidebar map configuration
  1. Under General, in the left panel, click Content Management, then expand the Advanced Content Tools.
map advanced tools drop down
map advanced tools

Advanced Content Toolbox

  1. You copied a key from step 1, now paste it to the Google Maps API Key.
  2. Click Test Key. 

If you have a problem with your key, go back to the Google Maps Platform site to solve it. Then try that again.

  1. After the system has verified your key, click Save Config button at the top.
map save config

How to Add a Magento Page Builder Map in Full Bleed Row to the Stage 

In this section, I’ll show you how to add a Magento Page Builder Map to the stage in 2 cases, with configured Google Maps Platform and not-yet configured Google Maps Platform. 

  1. Open the Page Builder workspace with the page, block, or dynamic block.
  2. Drag the Row content type to the stage, then under the Media section, drag the Map content type to the stage.
  1. Hover over to see the Row toolbox, click Settings ()  to appear Edit Row page.
  2. Under Appearance, choose which layout fits your website then click the Save button at the top. I’ll choose Full Bleed as an example but for the purpose of your website, you can choose Contained or Full Width, as demonstrated below. 
map row appearance settings
map contained appearance
Contained option
map full width appearance
Full-width option
map bleed appearance
Full bleed option

A map for your store location appears if Google Maps Platform is configured for your store. 

map configured
Google Maps

A placeholder map appears instead if your store’s Google Maps Platform has not yet been configured.

map not yet configured
Google Maps Placeholder

How to Add a Custom Map Location in Magento Page Builder

In this section, we’ll go through the steps to create a custom map location (with your specific information). 

  1. To view the toolbox, hover over the map container. Then select Settings (). 
  2. Click Add Location in the upper right corner of the Edit Map page. 
map add location

There are 3 areas you need to pay attention to:

PositionA map with a pin at your location
Location NameThe name you would like to appear on the map
CoordinatesGPS coordinates the latitude and longitude of the location
  1. Enter the Location Name that the pin on the map associates with. 

There are various methods for entering your location’s coordinates.

Method 1: Rely on the coordinates you already have.

Method 2: Drag the pin in the displayed map into the Position box, and the coordinates for your location will be automatically filled in.

Method 3: Open a new browser window and go to Google Maps, then follow one of the methods below.

  • Copy from URL 
    • Enter the address in the upper-left corner’s Search box and click the Search () icon.
    • Copy and paste the coordinates from the URL into a notepad.   
google map url coordinates
  • Copy from “What’s here?”
    • Right-click the red pin on the map and select What’s here?.
google map whats here
  • A label will slide up with the coordinates, copy the text and paste it into a notepad.
google map what's here coordinates
  1. Enter the numbers respectively in the Coordinates boxes, remember to delete the comma between the twos. 
  2. The rest of the information depends on your needs.  
Phone NumberYour company’s telephone number
Street AddressThe street’s address of the location
City The city’s name of the location
Region/ State The region or state’s name of the location
Zip/ Postal CodeThe Zip or postal code of the location
CountryThe country name of the location
CommentCustomers’ comments you want to include
  1. Click Save to complete this stage. 
map save button

How to Style Magento Page Builder Map

In this section, I’ll show you how to style the map as you want in Magento Page Builder. We’ll change the style, settings and grid size

You can also create a JSON file or a link to the styled map using the map style properties. 

1. Change the Map Style 

  1. In the Admin sidebar, go to Store > Settings > Configuration
sidebar map configuration
  1. In the left panel under General, choose Content Management then expand Advanced Content Tools. 
map advanced tools drop down
  1. Under the Google Maps Style text box, click Create Map Style
map change map style

This link will lead you to the Google Maps Platform Styling Wizard page. Google is experimenting with the new version, you can choose to continue editing in the old version or try with the new one. 

  1. The old version of Google Maps Platform –  The Old Style Wizard
  • Select the theme you want the map to display on your website among the 6 defined themes provided. Or import your own JSON code.
  • Click Finish when complete. 
map old ver import json
Import the JSON code
6 predefined themes google map old version
Choose from the defined themes
  • You can add the completed style to the Magento settings by exporting it as JSON code or a URL.
map json copy
  • Click Copy JSON to copy the generated JSON code.
  • Click Copy URL to copy the generated URL.
  1. The new version of Google Maps Platform – Cloud-based Maps Styling
  • Choose Create a style or Create Map Style to begin customizing your map style. 
map create new style
  • There are 6 predefined themes in the Google Maps Platform Styling Wizard you can apply or create a new custom style with JSON.  
map 6 styles predefined
Google Map’s six predefined themes 
map json style change
Custom style with JSON code
  • In this version there will be one extra section, Industry Optimized Styles, to optimize the map according to your business needs. 
map industry optimized

4. Paste the generated code or URL into the Google Maps Style box in your Admin browser tab.

Generated JSON code

With URL, replace the Google Maps API key in the YOUR_API_KEY placeholder. This URL is a link to your styled Google Map. 

map import url
Generated URL code

5. Click Save Config in the upper-right corner.

map save config json url

Try FREE Magezon Page Builder demo today

Easily create beautiful, engaging Magento website in any style whenever you want without relying on developers or designers. Just by drag & drop.

2. Change the Map Settings

  1. To access the toolbox, hover over the map container and click the Settings () icon. 
  2. Change the basic settings as needed: 
map basic settings
HeightThe height of the current map in pixel, change this after you change the Minimum Height of the Row.
Show Controls Display the standard Google Map controls or not.
map row and map height
700px Row and 300px Map vertically centered
google map standard controls
Google Map standard controls
  1. Modify the Advanced settings as needed: 
map advanced settings
  • To adjust the horizontal positioning of the map content that is added to the container, select an Alignment. 
DefaultApplies the current theme’s default alignment. 
LeftAligns the content to the map container’s left edge, allowing for any defined padding.
CenterAligns the content in the center of the map container, allowing for any defined padding.
RightAligns the content to the map container’s right edge, allowing for any defined padding.
  • Set the Border style for all four sides of the map container:
DefaultApplies the associated style sheet’s default border style.
NoneThe container borders are not visible.
DottedThe container’s border is displayed as a dotted line.
Dashed The container’s border is displayed as a dashed line.
Solid The container’s border is displayed as a solid line.
Double The container’s border is displayed as a double line.
GrooveThe container’s border is displayed as a groove line.
RidgeThe container’s border is displayed as a ridgeline.
InsetThe container’s border is displayed as an inset line.
OutsetThe container’s border is displayed as an outset line.
  • Set the border display if your border is visible.
    • Border Color – Choose a swatch, use the color picker, or type a valid color name or equivalent hexadecimal value to change the color. You can also change the border’s opacity.  
map border color
  • Border Width – Enter the width of the borderline in pixels. 
  • Border Radius – Enter the number of pixels to define the round degree of the borderline. 
map width
  • Enter the CSS classes from the current stylesheet to apply to the map container if needed. Use a space to separate multiple class names. 
  • Enter values for the Margins and Padding in pixels to specify the map container’s outer margins and inner padding. 

Note that the Map content type in Magento Page Builder does not support padding. 

map padding and margin
  1. Click Save when complete to apply the settings and return to the Page Builder workspace. 
map save

3. Change the Grid Size 

On the Page Builder stage, the grid size controls the size of the map associated with a column. The map is 12 columns wide by default, and up to 16 columns can be added.

  1. Go to Configuration in the Admin sidebar
sidebar map configuration
  1. Then choose Content Management and expand Advanced Content Tools. 
map advanced tools drop down
  1. Make changes to the grid options if you need. The Use system value is ticked by default, untick them to modify these settings. 
map change grid size
  1. Click Save Config when complete. 
map save config

Magezon Page Builder Extension for a Better Experience 

Magento 2 Page Builder Map embed API includes all the basic configurations for the users.  

However, if you want to have more advanced display settings and an easier configuration then Magezon 2 Page Builder’s Google Map is worth considering. 

Besides the basic settings like Width, Height, Paddings and Margins, our map allows you to change the map’s Type without using Google Map (such as roadmap, satellite, hybrid, or terrain), display InfoBox, Markers, Zoom the map and customize Elements settings, etc. 

magezon additional general settings
Additional general settings
magezon map elements settings
Elements Settings
magezon map display rules
Display rules
magezon map infobox and center icon
Magezon Map content Markers Settings to highlight your location

Map in Magezon Page Builder is also supported by the Magento 2 Store Locator extension. This plugin will help you create a more responsive map, multiple stores, and languages with optimizing SEO configuration, custom with more map styles, and create rich content store locations, etc. 

magento 2 store locator
Store locator plugin

Besides Map element with advanced features, Magezon Page Builder is also providing more than 50 powerful elements to help you build your website that increases the conversion rate. 

Final words

Map content type is not too challenging for Magento users. If you only need an elementary map, Magento Page builder is enough but if you want to have a unique and eye-catching website then Magezon Page Builder may be the perfect solution. 

Try FREE Magezon Page Builder demo today

Easily create beautiful, engaging Magento website in any style whenever you want without relying on developers or designers. Just by drag & drop.

About Ann Do

Ann Do
Ann is an experienced and passionate writer at Magezon. Her articles are aimed at helping audiences get their desired information and optimize their website.

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