What types of webpage do you require? This is a common question from newbie bloggers and website creators, which is why we’ve compiled a list of 15 main pages of a website. This list is for anyone wanting to start your small company website, along with information on what they should include and how to design them.
If you’re new to web development, you must understand the distinction between pages and posts. You’ll need some of your material pages when you start your online presence by building or purchasing a website. However, selecting the appropriate main pages of a website might be challenging at times because there are so many types of pages on a website.
Remember that every site is unique, whether it’s a commercial or a creative one, and the needs of visitors, as well as legal requirements, will vary. Here are some of the best options when selecting which webpage types are vital. They are all necessary pages for a website, so keep these web pages and examples in the back of your mind.
Table of contents
1. Home Page
A website page list for all the website’s main pages will never be complete without a home page. This is among the most commonly used web pages that should be included on any website. Your home page’s content should be relevant to your business. You must ensure that the material on your home page is fascinating, engaging, and flows nicely to capture the reader’s attention. Your main page can benefit from being well-designed, quick to load, and simple to navigate.

Basically, it varies on what kind of business you’re in. If you’re selling a service, you should emphasize some of your most popular services or items on the front page. It’s ideal to use a slider to display your services and other relevant information immediately, just after the navigation area.
If you are among the business types of the webpage, the most critical information should be placed in a giant headline. You may add multiple CTA (Call to Action) buttons on the slider or the crucial portions to attract your desired customers. However, if your website is among the blog post types of the webpage, you should categorize your published posts. You can also display your featured articles in the sidebar and a subscription box.
A quick overview of who you are and what you do, a summary of your products and services, and possibly some bullet points on how you might assist your potential customer or client are generally considered the standard for the home page.
2. Meet the Team Page
This type of webpage is a crucial page in your list of web pages that contains information about you, your business, what you do, and what you offer visitors. It’s the perfect place to explain how you vary from your competition to your visitors.

What to include
A comprehensive summary of your company, including the company’s history. If you run an affiliate website or a blog, you should include an “about” page that explains what you do.
A synopsis of your firm, who it hires (with biographies and images of the employees, or even just yourself if you’re a sole proprietor), any notable accomplishments you’ve gotten, and how you differ from others who offer the same or similar service.
You can also incorporate a call to action (CTA) to get your audience’s attention. You can also display your bio, accolades, and other information if you are the sole owner of the website.
Read more: 10 Legitimate “Meet the Team” Pages and Their Secret Formula
3. Contact Us Page
Different types of web pages serve other functions, and a contact page is significant since it’s a type of web page that allows interaction between the website owner(s) and the visitors. Displaying your contact information is vital because it adds to trust.
Your contact page should list all ways potential consumers can contact you. It’s also crucial to provide your mobile number, email address, and postal mailing address in the footer of every website page, if possible.

What to include
The contact form and your company’s address, phone number, and email address. An engaging contact form that directs people on how to contact you should be optimal enough for spam avoidance. You can also include your business hours in the footer of your website if you have one.
Read more: Simple Contact Us Page: 10+ Examples That Work Like a Charm
4. Service Page
You can add all the facts regarding your company’s services here. To outline your services, begin the page with a brief description. Consider breaking up long descriptions into pieces if your services have them. A link to a landing page whereby consumers may read more about your services can also be included.

What to include
A simple overview of your services. They should be presented in bullet points with short paragraphs. Links to discover more about specific services, their benefits, how they vary from what your competitors offer, and so on.

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5. Product Page
This is your opportunity to provide information about the things you sell on your list of web pages. Before listing your products, start the page with a brief summary. Different types of website pages have different ways of doing this. Consider categorizing your products and putting a link to their retail sites if you sell numerous things and have a lot of information on each one.

What to include
An overview of available products, including brief product descriptions, links to product pages with more information, what buyers can expect from acquiring those goods, and why consumers would buy these goods from you rather than your competitors.
Read more: 25+ Best Product Pages and Lessons to Take Away
6. Blog
Among the many types of web pages, a blog is one of the crucial types of a webpage on your site. It is generally a portion of a website made up of blogs, posts, articles, and writings about the same topic (e.g., journal entries). It provides your company a voice and allows you a place to tell your narrative, share your knowledge, and interact with your consumers.
Usually, blog postings are presented in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts appearing first. If you don’t have a blog on your small company website, you’re missing out, and you should make it a priority to create one while creating your website page list.
Consider your blog to be your most powerful and cost-effective marketing tool. A blog generates visitors as well as leads and sales. According to a HubSpot report, 57 percent of enterprises who blog have received a lead due to their efforts. A blog provides your business a voice by providing a platform for you to tell your narrative, share your knowledge, and interact with your consumers.

What to include
First and foremost, you must conduct some strategic planning and understand why you are beginning a blog and for whom you are writing (your target audience). The next step is to plan your blog, including what you will write about and what themes you will cover.
Consider how you communicate and your vocabulary; most of us don’t enjoy reading academic publications, so don’t be afraid to write in a conversational and informal tone. Quality takes precedence over quantity. Studies show that lengthy and in-depth blog entries beat shorter shallow ones regarding advertising, marketing, and social media sharing.
7. Privacy Policy
The privacy policy is a must-have among different types of web pages. A privacy policy informs website visitors about what you will do with the private details they provide. On this page, explain how such sensitive data and information acquired (e.g., advertising, cookies, emails, etc.) will be used and if it will be shared with various third-party types of webpage. Your privacy policy must be followed down to the letter.

What to include
What information you gather, how you collect it, how visitors can get a copy of the data you collect, and whether or not that information would be disclosed, and if it is, to whom.
8. Portfolio Page
The most excellent strategy to convert visitors into customers is to demonstrate the product’s practicality instead of just telling them about your products or services. A portfolio or photo gallery on the internet reflects the scope of your expertise. You can also include a video if you think that medium will help persuade potential clients that you are the perfect brand for them.

What to include
Consider incorporating examples of your work if you’re offering a service like copywriting, photography, web design, hair styling, or home painting. You can also include images or scans to show your work in more detail.
9. Testimonials/ Reviews Page
This is your moment to brag about the excellent press your company has gotten, on the front page of your site, using various types of testimonials webpage. If possible, provide the author’s photographs and contact information (link to their social media account, not their personal phone number). Each testimony will be more genuine as a result of this. Anyone can create a review, so those who include images of actual people that could be traced back to a legitimate source generate authenticity and confidence.
Visitors can see what someone says about you and your company by including a testimonials page on your website. The additional significance of social proof is added to these opinions, whether from prior customers or third parties.

Read more: 50+ Stunning Testimonial Page Examples |
What to include
A short paragraph of consumer praise, perhaps a sentence or two longer. To give the testimonials on your website more credibility, include titles, places, and full names. It’s the icing on the cake when you can collect consumer images. It’s even better if your consumer is willing to produce a video discussing their satisfaction with your product.

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10. Terms and Conditions Page
A Terms of Use page is required for most sites, equivalent to the user privacy page. This page will detail the “rules” and “conditions” that a user must accept to access your website.

What to include
You’ll want to include your website’s rules and principles and how it works. For example, an intellectual property declaration that indicates that your webpage is your copyright and is entitled to its protection, and a link to specific other sites provision that declares if you’re not liable for or have authority over third-party links on your website.
It should also include a trademark and copyright notice and a statement of the state and/or country from which you’re operating, as this influences which laws you’re following.
11. FAQs Page
If you get the same questions from different clients, you might want to consider creating a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page to answer them. It’s an excellent venue for disseminating important firm information. Consider what your visitors want to know, and then create questions and answers based on that information.
This would save you time from having to answer the same questions repeatedly. Give truthful responses to each question. Your responses ought to be a call to action, encouraging a potential consumer to take a step up and purchase whatever it is you’re selling.

What to include
The FAQ is among the webpage types that can address frequent objections to your service or product. For example, if you lose prospective consumers because your pricing is higher than your competitors’, utilize the FAQs to inform your prospects why your goods or services are more expensive but well worth every penny.
12. Sitemap
There are two types of webpage for sitemaps: Static and dynamic. XML sitemaps are a type of sitemap used to organize information (these are dominantly made for search engine bots, which helps search engines discover the content of your main web pages and is good to have from an SEO standpoint). HTML sitemaps help “human” visitors find their way around your website. A sitemap page is a specific index page that lists all of your website’s main pages.

What to include
Every one of your web pages, pages, and blog entries should be linked from your sitemap page. Wherever practical, your sitemap page should be positioned at the footer of your website pages.
13. Affiliate Page
It’s not simply a good idea to include an affiliate link disclaimer on a website’s main pages; it’s the law! You must alert your website, users, anytime a link on your site generates a commission. This is true not only for affiliate links but also for endorsements, sponsorships, and other similar opportunities.

What to include
Ensure that the disclaimers are presented in your language so visitors may comprehend them. You can explain how you promote affiliate sites and your connection with them. It will be much better if you try to be more specific in your explanation. You can, for example, tell your customers what affiliate links do, which will increase their faith in you.
14. Careers Page
Almost every company that values its people understands that finding the right individual is critical to achieving outstanding outcomes. However, without such a career page, you’re unlikely to pique the interest of elite talent.
According to research, only 25% of job seekers are actively hunting for work. That implies your career page can persuade most of them to take the time to apply.

What to include
You can use this space to provide a clear mission that motivates your visitors. It may specify the types of workers you work with and those you are looking for. Quotes about the workplace or quotes from your employees can also be used to inject fun and personality into your workplace.3
Read more: 21+ best company career page examples |
15. “404: Page Not Found”
Whenever a webpage is no longer in existence, has moved, or has expired, your visitors are directed to one of the types of webpage generally known as the page not found page (officially referred to as a “404 error” page). You can (and therefore should) modify a 404 error page in any way you want because it can be a basic HTML page.

What to include
Inform visitors that the page they’re seeking isn’t available. You should provide a backlink to your homepage on your not found page and a search form.
Discover examples to be inspired: The Best Examples for 404: Page Not Found Design |
Now that you’ve completed the list of web pages with the most essential main pages of a website, it’s time to put them into action on your site! Considering that these will work well with many webpage types, choose carefully, and decide what will be the best for your websites and brand. We hope that now you will have been able to answer the question of what pages a website should have.

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