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Black Friday & Cyber Monday Tips: How To Outsell Your Competitors

black friday tips for selling

Do you ever find yourself wandering around the stores on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, wishing you’d done more to prepare? It’s understandable — these two days of the year are when retailers make a significant chunk of their annual profit.

On Black Friday, consumers are more likely to be shopping online or in stores that do not carry comparable items over the Thanksgiving weekend, so it is essential to have a strong presence on both days. If you’re not prepared for a Black Friday sales strategy with a solid plan and killer deals, you’re at a severe disadvantage.

So how do competitors seem to keep coming out on top every year? This guide will show you what you can do to outsell your competitors on Black Friday & Cyber Monday, so you can take advantage of this critical shopping season.

1. Spread The Word About Your Promotional Campaign

You may find it surprising, but many consumers are unaware of your best Cyber Monday and Black Friday deals. Therefore, you need to spread the word about your promotional campaign before November to get the necessary number of customers.

black friday marketing tips

Don’t wait until Black Friday has already arrived because it will be too late by then. You can start reaching out to Black Friday sales strategy six or seven weeks before the day so that people have time to plan for their purchases and talk about them with their friends.

As one of the people in charge of making sales, you should know that if you don’t use practical sales promotion tools like websites, social media metrics, and email campaigns, you’re not selling nearly as much. So if this is your first time selling these days, double-check that you understand what tools you need to reach the right audience and your competitors’ potential customers.

While you already have a website optimized for mobile devices, it’s not enough to simply post about your Black Friday or Cyber Monday promotions; your customers want to know when it will be. 

Moreover, ensure you’re getting as much information as possible about your customers and consistently promote your products. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on how to improve your sales promotions. Your customers want to feel like they’re essential to this process.

2. Check Your Site To Make Sure It Runs Smoothly

A successful BFCM will require a lot of work from your web team. If you have a lot of online traffic on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you want to ensure your store’s website is optimized for fast loading times.

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best black friday marketing tips

It’s even more critical than usual because this is when people are in a race to shop with deeper discounts. If they can’t find what they are looking for or are distracted by other stuff that isn’t relevant, they won’t come back.

It’s always better to know about the errors ahead of time rather than after they happen! Test your site’s functionality before Black Friday hits to ensure it’s ready for a day full of more traffic than usual.

You might want to check for errors in the checkout pages. It is a good idea to ensure your store’s loading speed is under 2 seconds on these days, if possible. If it isn’t, take the time to make the necessary changes before it’s too late.

3. Enhance Your Page’s Design And Layout

Step 2 and Step 3 go hand-in-hand — both involve ensuring your site is easy to navigate and browse for your visitors. The best place to begin is with your Black Friday sales strategy’s user interface (UI).

how to run a black friday sale

More specifically, having a properly designed homepage for your store is among the most important things you can do. It should have an attractive appearance that matches your brand and a well-organized page layout that makes sense. Your goal is to create an effective landing page so shoppers can add items quickly and seamlessly.

With less than $150, you can quickly build highly converting Magento 2 landing pages using this Magento 2 Landing Pages extension. All you need to do is just drag and drop, and you’ll have an SEO-friendly landing page for your Black Friday marketing campaign!

You can also add more content to make it easier for shoppers to find what they’re looking for in a short amount of time. This can include adding a search bar in your header or footer or allowing people to narrow down the type of deal you have available by using filters.

Remember to add prominent call-to-action (CTAs) like ‘SHOP NOW’ and ‘PURCHASE NOW’ under each product. Consider displaying coupons on the product page, eliminating the need for readers to leave your website entirely to get one!

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4. Use A Countdown Timer To Create Urgency

The biggest challenge is that most visitors who come to your site these days aren’t ready to buy immediately. Instead, they want to decide what they want, compare prices, and carefully read all the product information before making a final decision.

black friday tips for sellers

If you want to create urgency and get shoppers to buy products quickly, using a countdown timer can help. This Black Friday sales strategy is commonly used but can also be applied to other times of the year.

A countdown timer encourages people to have to act quickly without giving them much time to make a tour of other websites. In other words, catchy countdown timers can help you increase sales rates and lead more customers to impulse purchases.

To use your countdown timer effectively, you can choose a simple one that shows the time remaining until whatever product you’re promoting expires. Otherwise, you can experiment with different countdown timers until you find one that works for you.

Adding a countdown timer might make it easy for your visitors to see precisely when Black Friday and Cyber Monday are going down clearly and concisely in their daily lives.

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5. Offer Free Shipping

Whether you’re selling on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or any other day, people want free shipping, so they don’t have to drain their bank accounts any more than they have to. So if this is your first time offering it, you need to get your advertising out there, so you don’t miss out on Black Friday sales.

offer free shipping black friday marketing tips

Free shipping is a huge incentive for customers to buy products on BFCM, and it’s proven highly effective – more than 40% of consumers say they’re more likely to shop online when they know there is free shipping, according to Shippo.

Setting up your free shipping will spread the word about your generosity while enticing more shoppers to visit your online or in-person store. If offering free shipping is too much for you, another option might be a discount of 5% for those customers who spend over $100.

6. Offer 24/7 Support

When you start a business, your first concern is your customers and how you can serve them at a particular point in the process. But as time goes on, you’ll realize that your customers also need help from time to time.

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It’s no secret that customers want their questions answered, and they want it done immediately. As a result, you should develop a customer support plan so you can provide them with assistance. That means problems with billing, shipping, or any other technical issue should be handled entirely by your team 24/7.

Because sales will be extremely high on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you should ensure that your support team has everything it needs to help customers. They include redundant Internet connections, backup computers, servers (in case something goes wrong), a dedicated phone line, and customer support software like Zendesk or Helprace so questions can be answered as quickly as possible.

While you must provide excellent customer service on all days of the year, there’s no better time than now to show your dedication to helping shoppers with their purchases. This will set you apart from your competitors since most sellers cannot offer this kind of 24/7 support.

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7. Tier Your Closed-Cart Period

tier your closed-cart period how to run a black friday sale

The closed-cart period is the time a shopper has to complete a promotional order; after that, the price will return to the old version. For example, if you have a product on sale with a price of $50 and a discount of 30%, then the shopper has only 3 hours to complete the order at this new price.

Having a closed-cart period is an excellent way to encourage your customers to buy your products quickly because most people don’t want to lose their opportunities for savings. You can also use it to track how many sales you’ve made so you can determine what kind of deals work best for your store in the future.

You can also use a countdown timer for your closed-cart periods, which can help create a sense of urgency and reduce the likelihood of people leaving with only a part of their orders.


Successful retailers get the most out of Black Friday and Cyber Monday by handling peak traffic with a steady hand. They know what’s best for their business and customers, so they plan Black Friday sales strategy accordingly.

You can increase sales during BFCM, and when you use them effectively, you’ll be able to boost your revenue without spending much money or time. So, don’t hesitate to add these Black Friday tips and tricks this year when these two days come around.

If you follow the suggestions above, you can get a leg up on your competitors and sell more on Black Friday 2021. With a few of these strategies in place, you can make more profits while your customers have everything they need during the shopping rush.

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About Magezon Writer

Magezon Writer
In Magezon Blog, you can find a host of valuable pieces of information on e-commerce and Magento-related topics. As a content writer in Magezon, my mission is to generate insightful articles that assist merchants and web developers in their learning, developing and doing business.

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