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Page Builder 3.0 Sneak Peek: Dynamic Content

Hello everyone, long time no see since the last sneak peek post. Today, we are excited to present you with another handy feature that will be released in our upcoming version of Page Builder. It’s called Dynamic Content. 

This feature allows you to connect elements to the content from your Magento website’s database. These elements then transform into dynamic ones that are updated automatically when you change the linked content. Read till the end to explore all details about it!

What is Dynamic Content?

Dynamic content is the content loaded from your Magento database. It includes your site logo, page title, CMS page links, product image, customer information, and so on.

In Magezon Page Builder, you can replace static content of elements with dynamic one. Whenever you change the content in your database, all elements using that content on your whole website will be automatically updated.

How to Use Dynamic Content

If you want to add dynamic content in a Page Builder element, simply access the element settings modal and click the dynamic content icon inside an input field. After that, choose your desired option from the drop-down list of all available dynamic content, customize its output and connect it to the element.

For instance, use page title dynamic content to display the title of the current page in a Heading element. In a similar way, you can link a Button element to the homepage link, link a Single Image to your site logo, link a Text Block element to customer information, and much more! 

Note: What you see in the sneak peek’s illustration images doesn’t reflect our final Page Builder. As the extension is still in development, any change may happen.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, Dynamic Content will definitely be one of the features that are worth waiting for in the upcoming version of Page Builder. We hope this article will give you a comprehensive of this amazing feature. 

Let us know what you think by leaving comments below. And do not forget to stay updated with the latest articles because we will continue to give you insights into more amazing features.

About Rin Nguyen

Rin Nguyen
Rin is a girl who loves to explore and challenge herself. She believes writing is a way to reach the world.

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