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How to Configure Magento Order Confirmation Email

Order confirmation email is an email sent by a merchant immediately after a customer completes a purchase. Generally, this email tells the customer where, when, and what the customer has ordered. 

This tutorial will show you how to configure order confirmation email in Magento in 9 simple steps. 

Step 1: Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration 

Magento order confirmation email. Step 1: Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration

Step 2: Find Sales tab > Sales Emails

You will see the Order area under the General Settings. We will set up Magento order confirmation email in this area in the next step. 

Step 2: Find Sales tab > Sales Emails

Step 3: Choose Yes in the Enabled drop-down to enable Order email

Step 3: Choose Yes in the Enabled drop-down to enable Order email.

Step 4: In the New Order Confirmation Email Sender, choose a contact

This contact will be shown as the email sender. There are 5 different contacts: 

  • General Contact
  • Sales Representative
  • Customer Support
  • Customer Email 1
  • Customer Email 2
Step 4: In the New Order Confirmation Email Sender, choose a contact.

Step 5: Decide New Order Confirmation Template

The original settings will show you 2 types below:

  • New Order (default)
  • Change email and password
Step 5: Decide New Order Confirmation Template

Step 6: Choose an email template from New Order Confirmation Template for Guest drop-down

Step 6: Choose an email template from New Order Confirmation Template for Guest drop-down.

Step 7: Config Send Order Email Copy To 

Enter the email address in the Send Order Email Copy To field if you want to send a copy to an admin. If there is more than one recipient, use commas to separate them. 

Step 7: Config Send Order Email Copy To

Step 8: Decide Send Order Email Copy Method

  • BCC: or blind courtesy copy. This will send one email to all recipients. 
  • Separate email: each recipient receives a separate email. 
Step 8: Decide Send Order Email Copy Method.
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Step 9: Save Config

Click the Save Config button on the upper right corner and you’re done.

Other sections such as Order Comments, Invoice, Invoice Comments, Shipment, Shipment Comments, Credit Memo, Credit Memo Comments, and Order Ready for Pickup in Store can be set up similarly. 

Note: Magezon provides diverse powerful, efficient yet affordable extensions for merchants like you to optimize your eCommerce website. Visit Magezon to pick your necessary ones.

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Looking for fast, efficient and well-coded extensions to build or optimize your Magento stores for sales boosting? Then visit Magezon website and grab necessary add-ons for yours today!

About Alice Dinh

Alice Dinh
Alice is a writer at Magezon. She is on a mission to help readers learn about Magento and e-commerce to grow their online business. A chocolate fanatic once in a while.

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