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Magezon new updates in October 2019

Magezon new updates October 2019

I) New extension released: Magezon Blog Extension

In late October, we release Magezon Blog Extension which helps create your own Magento blog without third-party framework like WordPress. Quickly set up your blog layout as well as customise the articles. Also, enhance your site ranking with the best SEO practices. 

Magezon Blog Extension
Magezon Blog Extension

The extension comes with stunning features like below: 

  • Customizable Blog Pages Layout
  • Perfect Blog Navigation
  • Full Control over Posts 
  • Personalize Blog Articles 
  • Advanced SEO Performance
  • Multiple Stores & Languages
  • Comments Management
  • Socializing Function
  • Related Blocks: Related Posts, Related Products
  • Responsive Layouts
  • Faster Blog Pages On Mobile (AMP)
  • Blog Import & Integration
  • Compatible with Magezon Page Builder, Ultimo and Porto theme

I) New updates on key extensions

1. Magezon Page Builder

1.1 Compatible with Graph QL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

For more info, check this link

Magezon Page Builder is now updated to be compatible with Graph QL. In other words, it’s now able to communicate & work with other third-party extensions and platforms, easily. 

Compatible with Graph QL
Compatible with Graph QL

1.2 Compatible with Magento 2.3.3

Magento has released the latest Magento 2.3.3 version on October 8th 2019 with over 170 functional fixes for the core products and more than 75 security enhancements. In order to keep the Magezon Page Builder up-to-date, we modernised it to be compatible perfectly with Magento 2.3.3. 

2. Blue Form Builder

2.1 Auto populate form fields using Query Strings

In late October 2019, we updated a new function for Blue Form Builder: Auto populate form fields using Query Strings. Yet this helps save a lot of time for users while filling forms as well as enhance the conversion rates. 

To get an overview about Query Strings and how to use it in Blue Form Builder, read this article

2.2 Update Google reCaptcha from v2 to v3

Previously, we used Recaptcha v2 for the extension. Sometimes, it makes users feel annoyed as they need to tick a checkbox or do some challenges just to validate they are human.

Update Google reCaptcha v3
Update Google reCaptcha v3

Google reCaptcha v3 allows you to verify if an interaction is legitimate with no user interaction. It is a pure JavaScript that compiles a score, giving you the ability to take other actions like requiring additional factors of authentication. 

For a general use site, v3 is a perfect choice as it minimizes the interruption of users. 

3. Lazy Load

3.1 Error: Doesn’t work when going back or forth in browser history

We fixed a bug of Lazy Load: Doesn’t work on the previous or next pages when clicking on next/previous buttons on the top left corner of the browser. 

Error fixed
Error fixed

3.2 Upgrade Lazy load library to latest version 1.7.10

The library of Lazy Load is now upgraded to the latest version 1.7.10 that helps speed up your site even better.

Above is our announcement of new extensions and updates in October, 2019. If you have any questions or need any support, feel free to contact us.

About Hồng Hoàng

Hồng Hoàng

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