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Magezon new updates in August 2019

Magezon new updates in August 2019
Magezon new updates in August 2019
I. New updates on key extensions
1. Magezon Page Builder
1.1 Link builder updated
1.2 How the link builder works
2. Ninja Menus 2.0.1
3. Single Product Page Builder
II. New releases
1. Header & Footer Builder
2. Checkout Success Page Builder
III. Coming soon extensions
1. Category Page Builder
2. Blog Extension
3. Grid Builder Extension
IV. In a nutshell

I. New updates on key extensions

1. Magezon Page Builder

Previously, when you want to add a link into some elements, you get only 1 choice. It’s to enter the exact URL into the link field.

Like this

Call to Action - Old link builder
Call to Action – Old link builder

Thus, the old Link section gets the following disadvantages:

  • It’s inconvenient to update if the links are changed
  • Takes time to copy custom links
  • High risk of wrong URLs

Deeply understand the circumstance, we decided to update the link section to be more convenient and user-friendly. Here below are the link builders in some certain elements as examples.

Link builder update - Call to action
Link builder update – Call to action
Link builder update - Heading
Link builder update – Heading
Link builder update - slider
Link builder update – slider

List of 10 elements with link builder updated:

So, after hitting the Select Url button, a pop-up will appear to configure the links. There are 4 types of links supported:

4 Link types supported
4 Link types supported

a. Custom link

Using this link type means you can add custom URL from other sites. And, you have to paste the exact URL address in the Url field (required field).

Then, define the Title for the link and decide whether to Open the link in a new tab or Add no-follow option to link or not.

Link builder - Custom type
Link builder – Custom type

Try setting a Call to Action element like below with the Custom link configured:

Call to Action - Custom link backend
Call to Action – Custom link backend

The result:

Call to Action - Custom link frontend
Call to Action – Custom link frontend

Note: If the original link changed, you still need to update the URL to match with the target site.

b. Category link

This type of link allows you to select links of Category Pages in the whole website. The categories are organized with default Magento system. Entering the keyword to search helps find your desired category page even faster.

Link builder - Category type
Link builder – Category type

Similarly, try adding Training page link into the Heading element like this:

Heading - Category Page Link backend
Heading – Category Page Link backend

And the result:

Heading - Category link frontend
Heading – Category link frontend

Note: The target Category site will be directed even if its URL is changed. As a result, URL is automatically updated and no need to fix the link from the backend anymore.

c. Product link

Navigate visitors to the Product page directly with this type of link. All you need to do is to search the product by name and click on a certain one. Plus, no matter how its URL will change, the link assigned by link builder still leads visitors to the desired product page, exactly.

Link builder - Product link
Link builder – Product link

For example, let’s configure the below setting:

Heading - Product link backend
Heading – Product link backend

And, how it works on the front:

Heading - Product link frontend
Heading – Product link frontend

d. Page link

Last, if you want to lead your visitors to some of your pages in the default system, link builder can also help. Like Category and Product Page links, no matter how its URL will change, the link assigned still lead to the desired page, exactly.

Link builder - Page link
Link builder – Page link

Now, try adding page link for our Heading:

Heading - Page link backend
Heading – Page link backend

And the result:

Heading - Page link frontend
Heading – Page link frontend

2. Ninja Menus 2.0.1

Ninja Menus 2.0.1 comes with brand new user interface and more helpful functions. Not all, we added some more Styling fields inside the General section.

Ninja Menus - New styling fields
Ninja Menus – New styling fields

The configuration includes:

(1) Main Font Size: Set the font size for the text of the main menu

(2) Main Font Weight: Set the font weight for the text of the main menu

(3) Main Color: Allows configure the main menu text’s color

(4)  Main Background Color: Allows configure main menu background’s color

(5)  Main Hover Color: Set the color of the main menu’s text while hovering

(6)  Main Hover Background Color: Set the color of the main menu’s background while hovering

(7)  Secondary Color: Allows set the submenu text’s color

(8)  Secondary Background Color: Allow set the submenu background’s color

(9)  Secondary Hover Color: Set the color of the submenu’s text while hovering

(10)  Secondary Hover Background Color: Set the color of the submenu’s background while hovering

With this section, you can configure the overall look of the navigation menu more quickly and conveniently. No need to configure single parts and elements of the menu again and again.

Let’s take an example to see:

Ninja Menus - Styling configuration
Ninja Menus – Styling configuration

Result in the storefront:

Ninja Menus - Result on the front
Ninja Menus – Result on the front

3. Single Product Page Builder

Single Product Page Builder has been added one more function named Preview. This promises to bring users convenience and the ability to view the product page’s look in each Profile even while configuring.

Single Product Page Builder - Preview function
Single Product Page Builder – Preview function

After clicking on the Preview button, there will appear a pop-up. A list of all the products and the preview pages ready.

Profile 1 - Fusion Backpack page
Profile 1 – Fusion Backpack page

II. New releases

Base on the fact that headers and footers are very important blocks of Magento websites, Magezon has just released an extension that helps design your headers & footers in August 2019. This extension – Header & Footer builder brings you full control over the configuration of these blocks and promises to meet all your demands.

Header & Footer Builder
Header & Footer Builder

Highlight features

  • Easily Design Headers & Footers
  • Design Unique Headers & Footers for Each Page
  • Display Headers and Footers Perfectly in Any Device
  • Header & Footer Templates
  • Drag & Drop Builder
  • 22+ Elements Supported
  • Powerful Customizable Options
  • Sticky Headers
  • Create Unlimited Headers and Footers
  • 100% Compatible with: Ultimo Theme, Porto Theme, Magezon Page Builder

In fact, details and images about the extension are fully described in another article.

2. Checkout Success Page Builder

Another stunning extension introduced at the same time, Checkout Success Page Builder extension is a powerful tool to make your checkout page more attractive.

Full of features for designing a perfect order success page, Magento 2 Checkout Success Page extension is the ultimate way to improve the post-purchase experience. In addition, it maintains contact with customers and boosts your sales.

Checkout Success Page
Checkout Success Page

Highlight features

  • Easily Customize Checkout Success Page with Drag & Drop
  • 20+ Elements
  • 5 Pre-built Templates
  • Show Different Success Pages by Conditions
  • Display Coupon Codes
  • Dynamic Variables
  • Fully Responsive
  • 100% Compatible with Magezon Page Builder

III. Coming Soon Extensions

1. Category Page Builder

In great demand of an editor for category pages, we decided to create one.

Using the same logic with Single Product Page Builder, Category Page Builder helps create any category page layout in Magento 2.

And, just like other extensions of our builder package, its highlight advantage is: Having intuitive drag & drop builder that lets every newbie shape the category page layout in minutes. No need technical skill!

Category Page Builder
Category Page Builder

Highlight features:

  • Build a category page layout in your style.
  • Create unlimited category page layouts
  • Online layout templates
  • Different templates for different category pages.
  • Powerful customizable options
  • Fully Compatible with Magezon Page Builder

2. Blog extension

Owning a Magento website but having a WordPress blog system? Well, it’s the most common circumstance that happen today with Magento shop owners.

The reason we create this extension is to simplify everything of the Magento system. No need to use a third-party framework (like WordPress), create your own blogs directly from the backend. They will be displayed beautifully in any page of your site.

Magezon Blog extension
Magezon Blog extension

Highlight features:

  • SEO friendly posts and URLs
  • Fully Responsive
  • Social sharing (Facebook, Disqus, Instagram, etc)
  • Categories ready
  • Diverse Topics
  • Thousands of icons and animation effects
  • Fully Compatible with Magezon Page Builder

3. Grid Builder extension

Sometimes, Magento default Product grids are so boring and they keep the same all the time. To grab more attention, you need something different.

The Grid Builder extension can help design the product items’ look in product list, grid, and carousel. More, easily change the order of product attributes like Product Image, Name, Price, etc with the drag and drop interface.

Grid builder
Grid builder

Highlight features:

  • Visual drag and drop interface
  • Easily change the order of product attributes displayed
  • Support product grid on any page
  • Create unique grid systems for different pages
  • Powerful customizable options
  • Compatible with Magezon Page Builder

And, which features do you want these above extensions to have? Share us your ideas!

In a nutshell

Magezon has got some important changes and updates in August and this article is just an overall look. We are trying our best to make our extensions meet all of your demands. However, we can’t do it perfectly if we don’t know what you’re really expecting.

Thus, tell us your opinions. Any further questions or need support, feel free to contact us via email or LiveChat.

About Hồng Hoàng

Hồng Hoàng

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