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How to Organize Photo Albums by Category & Tag Using Magento 2 Image Gallery Extension


If you are facing some troubles in managing all your product photo albums, Magento 2 Image Gallery may be a smart solution for you to cope with it. No matter how many photo albums you have, this module can help you organize them by category or tag in minutes.

Grouping albums to relevant categories and tags, both store owners and customers can save time in finding products. To help you tackle the problem, in this article, we’ll show you how to organize photo albums by category & tag using Magento 2 Image Gallery.

I. Why need to organize photo albums by category & tag?

You may be wondering why you need to organize photo albums by category and tag? This question will be clarified in this article.

First, easily increase customer shopping experience. In fact, making customers feel satisfied is the most prior criteria of every store. When you group photo albums to relevant categories and tags, your audience can quickly find their needed products just by some keywords without opening all albums to find.

Second, it not only benefits customers but also brings benefits to you. You are not able to manage hundreds to thousands of product albums, so assigning them to appropriate categories and tags will help you determine where they are in the store clearly.

Finally, organize photo albums by categories and tags may make your store more professional and enhance customer trust. A store with well-organized structure can easily gain customers attention and motivate them to use.

II. How to organize photo albums by category & tag using Magento 2 Image Gallery

Now we’ll introduce you 2 ways on how to organize photo albums by category & tag using our Magento 2 Image Gallery extension. Let’s find out what they are!

1. Method 1 

First, from the admin panel, navigate to Magezon >> Image Gallery >> Albums

open albums section

Then you will see a grid that includes all created albums. In the albums grid, find and open an album that you want to organize by category & tag in Edit mode.

open album in edit mode

Next, in the General Information section, scroll down to the Categories and Tags field. In these two fields, drop down arrow and select relevant categories & tags. 

organize photo albums by categories
Select relevant categories
organize photo albums by tags
Select relevant tags

In case you don’t find your desired category and tag, click on the New Category and New Tag button to create a new one.

add new category and tag

After you hit the New Category and New Tag button, their settings will show up like the image below. Enter a title for the new category and new tag in the Category Title & Tag Title field.

new category area
new tag area

Applying above steps with other albums, you will get the result like this:

+ Albums on the category page. They are organized by Adidas category.

albums are organized by Adidas category

+ Albums on the tag page. They are organized by Shoes tag.

albums on tag page

2. Method 2

Instead of assigning each album to the appropriate category and tag, method 2 helps you save time by allowing you to organize multiple photo albums at once. It’s faster and more convenient compared to method 1.

2.1: Organize photo albums by category

In the backend, navigate to Magezon >> Image Gallery >> Categories

open categories section

After that, a grid that contains all created categories will display. In this grid, open your desired category in edit mode.

open category in edit mode

Next, expand the Album in Category section. Choose relevant albums to assign them to the category. Then all selected albums will be organized by this category on the frontend.

organize photo albums by category
Choose relevant albums

Now see the result we get:

albums are organized by Nike category


If your desired category is not available, click on the Add New Category button on the grid page to create a new one.

Customize General Information of new category:

  • Enable Category: Turn on this button to enable category
  • Category Title: Set a title for category
  • URL Key: Specify URL key for category page
  • Canonical URL: Set the canonical URL for the category page to help Search Engine define which is your main URL. It is useful for your better SEO
  • Description: Write category description in this field
  • Thumbnail: Upload a thumbnail image for category page
general info of category

Next, specify the Display Settings and Search Engine Optimization section:

  • Store View: Choose a specific store view to display category
  • Position: Enter a value for the category (category with lower value will display first on the frontend)
  • Include in Menu: Turn on/off button to show/hide category in navbar
  • Search Engine Optimization: Specify meta title, meta keywords, and meta description for category page in this section.
display settings and search engine optimization

After specifying these sections above, go to expand the Album in Category section and customize as the step above.

2.2: Organize photo albums by tags

From admin panel, follow this path: Magezon >> Image Gallery >> Tags

open tags option

In the grid that includes all created tags, open your desired tag in Edit mode:

open tag in edit mode

Then go to customize the Album in Tag section. Select appropriate albums to assign them to tag. After that, all selected albums will be organized by the tag on frontend.

organize photo albums by tag
Choose appropriate albums

This is the result we get:

albums are organized by Shoes tag


Create a new tag if your desired one doesn’t exist by hitting on the Add New Tag button in the tags grid page.

Customize General Information and SEO for new tag:

  • Enable Tag: Turn on button to enable tag
  • Tag Title: Enter a title for tag
  • URL Key: Specify URL key for tag page
  • Canonical URL: Set the canonical URL for the category page to help Search Engine define which is your main URL. It is useful for your better SEO.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Enter meta title, meta keywords, and meta description for tag page in this section.
general info of tag

Once you’ve completed customizing these fields, move to the Album in Tag section and organize photo albums like the step above.

In Short

Above are 2 methods answered for the question – How to organize photo albums by categories and tags with Magento 2 Image Gallery extension. Hope this guide is helpful for you! Contact us or leave comments below if you have any questions.

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About Jen Tran

Jen Tran
Jen Tran works for Magezon as a marketer. She is responsible for writing blogs about Magento and Magezon extensions to help Magento users have a better understanding of it.

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