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On top of the deal – 30% lifetime discount Magezon builder extensions

On top of the deal - 30% lifetime discount Magezon builder extensions

New year special deal

Hello all readers!

We hope you have shared a fabulous holiday full of warmth and joy with your friends and family. Now it’s time to come back with our business and the tiresome day-to-day tasks. 

Magezon understands that, so we bring you the very first luck at the beginning of this year – a big offer for those who are a fan of Magezon builder extensions. 

The good news is, when your purchase history reaches 6 builder extensions, you will receive a 30% reduction toward your next purchase (of Magezon builder extensions) all the time. Ready to take this occasion?

  • Note: This offer works from January 8th, 2021, and can not be combined with other offers. 

Magezon core builder, what is it?

If you are using Magezon Page Builder, Ninja Menus, or something belonging to our builder extension collection, you may have an idea about what it is.

Yes, you are right! Magezon Core Builder is a library based on which we developed our builder extensions. These extensions not only take the Core Builder as a base but also include their custom elements and configurations to match various user approaches.

Once you are familiar with one of Magezon builder extensions, you can save tons of time in learning how to use the other ones. 

Magezon core builder, what is it?

Normally, a builder extension consists of 2 main parts:

Part 1: Core builder which involves buttons that allow you to:

  • Add/Edit/Duplicate/Replace/Remove elements
  • Resize/Rearrange elements
  • Create multiple columns
  • View the layout in a simplified version
  • Manage editing history
  • Clear all created content quickly
  • Preview on different devices
  • Add custom CSS

Part 2: 9 core elements: 

Magezon Builder collection

Content management: Create eye-appealing landing pages, flexible forms, high engagement blogs, and charming transactional documents with the assistance of the Content management builder which are Page Builder, PDF Customizer, and Blue Form Builder.

Content management

Layout: Set up a page layout creatively and easily using Single Product Page Builder, Header and Footer, Category Page Builder, Login & Registration Page, and Product Page PDF Builder.


Sales motivation: Make your business take flight by creating high converting banners, stunning thank you pages and high open rate transactional emails with Checkout Success Page, Promotional Banner, and Email Builder.

Sales motivation

User experiences: Let Popup Builder boost your customer shopping experience by its flexible setting that enables your popups to appear at right time, right place, and to the right people.

User experiences

Search & Navigation: Make your website become both user friendly and SEO friendly with Ninja Menus.

Search & Navigation

Magezon engineers are constantly striving to keep the list going on and on, so please subscribe to our newsletter to avoid missing out on any valuable message.

Multitude benefits from Magezon products

  • Discount: 30% lifetime discount *
  • 90-Day Free Support
  • Free Lifetime Upgrades
  • 30-Day Money-Back

About Laura Cao

Laura Cao
Laura graduated from Foreign Trade University with a bachelor’s degree in Business English and is currently serving as a content marketer at Magezon. She indulges in reading and writing everything about Magento. In her spare time, gardening and hanging out with friends are her area of interest.

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