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How to Change the Favicon in Magento 2

How to change the favicon in Magento 2

The journey of configuring your storefront branding is not over. In this blog, we’ll continue with how to change the favicon in Magento 2. Let’s get started right away!

What is a Favicon?

What is a favicon? Well, just look at the browser tab of your Magento website. You will see a little icon next to the page title. That’s it. For those who have not known yet, the word favicon stands for “favourite icon”. So it plays a pivotal role in your website. The favicon is helpful for recognition in a browser full of tabs and also for your store branding. 

Magento suggests that the dimension of your favicon image should be 16×16 pixels or 32×32 pixels in size. The accepted image format are ICO, PNG, APNG, GIF, and JPG (JPEG). If possible, use ICO format because it’s most widely supported (the others may not respond to some browsers).

The favicon in Magento 2

Next, we’ll explore how to change the favicon in Magento 2, so stay tuned and keep reading!

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How to Change the Favicon in Magento 2

1. Prepare a Favicon Image

Use any preferred editor to design your favicon image with the dimension 16×16 or 32×32. Then convert the image file into .ico format. You can use the following available online tools:

2. Upload Your Favicon

From the admin panel, navigate to Content > Design > Configuration:

Navigate to Content >> Design >> Configuration

In the Design Configuration grid, choose the store view that you want to apply these settings for, then click Edit:

Choose the store view that you want to apply these settings for

Then, span HTML Head under the Other Settings section:

Span HTML Head under the Other Settings section

If you want to delete the current favicon, click the Delete icon in the lower-left corner of the image, like this:

Delete the current favicon | change the favicon in Magento 2

Afterwards, choose Upload to upload your new favicon. Do not forget to click Save Configuration.

3. Refresh Cache

After configuring, we need to refresh the cache. So first navigate to System >> Tools >> Cache Management:

System >> Tools >> Cache Management | change the favicon in Magento 2

Select Page Cache. Then, click Submit, be sure the applied action is Refresh:

Refresh cache | change the favicon in Magento 2

In a Nutshell

In conclusion, we hope that now you can change the favicon in Magento 2. Other than that, there are still many other areas of improvement a Magento 2 store owner should consider. Feel free to leave some questions in the comment field below. We’re here to help you.

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About Laura Cao

Laura Cao
Laura graduated from Foreign Trade University with a bachelor’s degree in Business English and is currently serving as a content marketer at Magezon. She indulges in reading and writing everything about Magento. In her spare time, gardening and hanging out with friends are her area of interest.

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