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45+ Awe-Inspiring Parallax Effect Website Example

What are the most popular web design trends you can think of off the top of your head? We’re willing to wager that parallax scrolling is on your list. However, if we’re wrong and the parallax website design didn’t make it into your list, keep reading to find out why it should.

Parallax website design is becoming increasingly popular as websites become more dynamic and integrate interactive design elements. If you’re curious about parallax web design, how to accomplish it, and the parallax web design example, you’ve come to the correct place. So let’s get this party started!

What Is Parallax Scrolling Animation?

Parallax scrolling is a web design technique in which the foreground and backdrop of a page move at different speeds. And parallax website design is just a kind of web design that utilizes parallax scrolling. Parallax scrolling effects provide depth and movement to a web page, making it more fun.

The most common use of parallax web design is when the backdrop of a website moves slower than the foreground, visually separating the two. Various additional parallax scrolling methods, on the other hand, might provide a certain beauty or element of randomness to a website.

Parallax effects were first used in early computer graphics and video games to give a sense of depth on a flat display. The same technique of layering pictures that move at varying speeds was used to generate this effect. However, it wasn’t until 2011, with the advent of HTML5 and CSS 3, that this method made its way into web design.

>> Read the article What Is the Website Parallax Effect? Examples & Best Plugins to capture a complete understanding of this type of website designing technique.

How Should Parallax Scrolling Be Used?

It’s critical to remember that design aesthetics such as parallax should be considered “nice to haves” rather than essential components of your website. Your website should be constructed first and foremost with your users in mind and designed precisely to funnel visitors through your website’s top, middle, and bottom-of-the-funnel sections. Function should always take precedence over form, and form should only serve to improve function.

Your website should be a helpful sales tool, first and foremost, guiding visitors to their desired destinations and answering their inquiries. After establishing this foundation, you may begin exploring interactive methods to assist with this rather than prioritizing design first and strategy second.

So, to guarantee that you make the most of parallax scrolling, let’s explore some recommended practices.

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Keep an Eye on the Page Load Speed

Unsurprisingly, putting complex effects into your webpage would influence its performance. One such effect is parallax scrolling. A slow page load time damages a site’s search engine optimization performance. Users often leave one site for the next and are eager to abandon a page that takes too long to load.

Ascertain that the extra parallax effects do not adversely affect the performance of your website. You can assess the speed of your website and discover what may be slowing it down. There are several internet tools available to assist you in doing this. Among these is Google’s free PageSpeed Insights service.

Consider Returning Guests

Okay, let’s face it: The cool parallax websites may amaze us the first time we see them – it may be the first few times. However, after time, it becomes tedious and repetitious. Likewise, a strange figure leaping from a concealed corner may surprise a first-time visitor, but the same trick will not suffice the second time they arrive.

If you want to attract new website visitors, parallax design may be a good option. However, a website with too many exciting effects and low value will soon lose its allure. So bear in mind the target demographic you want to attract while striking the appropriate balance.

Use With Carefulness

At its finest, parallax web design expertly directs attention to all the appropriate website areas. At worst, it will divert the viewer’s attention away from the primary message, leaving them puzzled. Using parallax effects sparingly and appropriately will guarantee that your case is the former.

When developing a parallax website, it’s critical to consider accessibility. A parallax design is incompatible with most mobile devices, which account for over half of all web traffic. Additionally, the parallax effect may be incompatible with older browser versions.

If your website gets a high volume of mobile traffic, consider limiting or eliminating parallax scrolling on the mobile version of your site. Responsive web design is necessary for all websites to provide a consistent user experience across all devices.

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45+ of the Best Parallax Effect Examples

1. Dave Gamache

Dave Gamache’s parallax website demo is an excellent starting point for anybody new to parallax effects. As you scroll through Dave’s site demo, he demonstrates how to fade things in and out as you scroll, rotate, and pin layers into a mobile device using a horizontal slide effect. Awesome!

Dave’s best parallax scrolling tips:

  • Facilitate the animation of your parallax effect website across all browsers. Concentrate on the most critical parallax effect animation characteristics, such as rotation, size, and opacity.
  • Animate just fixed-position components sparingly.
  • Don’t overdo it with picture scaling because browsers don’t always handle it effectively.

2. Dog Studio

Dog Studio is one of the best parallax scrolling website examples. Initially, the dynamic 3D dog at the core of this design already caught our attention. It succeeds as an attention grabber. The ears move and change color at important moments, and the title rotates, resizes, and blinks. It starts behind the text and goes to the front, changing backdrops and having a solid presence that makes it a genuinely memorable picture, demonstrating how well they’ve perfected the effects. 

3. History Of Czech Ice Hockey

A fast-paced activity like ice hockey lends itself to parallax, ideal for conveying a sense of movement and speed. Overlaid on top of each year in various media, including videos, images, and watermarked backdrops. This parallax example website has excellent use of this powerful effect, which is creative and well-executed.

4. iPods Pro

Apple is a well-known brand for its sleek, inventive looks, which definitely applies to its website. The AirPods Pro website is a parallax website example worth considering which uses outstanding parallax scrolling methods while keeping the page load time under control. As the backdrop graphics move at their own pace, the text slides smoothly to transmit information without becoming monotonous.

5. Fluttuo

Fluttuo stands out from the eCommerce crowd with sleek animation, a clean UI, contrasting nude and dark hues, and a mix of elegant and heavy script types. Applying a parallax effect to the bag gives for a unique and whole online buying experience.

Within a pre-loaded screen, a background layer and another on top create a parallax effect in which the top layer slides over the backdrop. As the user scrolls, the background aesthetics give context and style to the jewelry site, while the top layer provides product data and the primary narrative. An excellent parallax background example!

Parallax scrolling is complemented with hovering section heads and small carousels. This interactive UI matches the brand that is continually ‘free to experiment with new materials and inventive designs.’

6. Ray-Ban

Ray-Ban is another cool parallax website example. You can see the separation of layers as each new section rolls over the last one. Ray-Ban uses parallax to showcase all the available colors of the glasses. Just scroll and watch the glasses take on a new color.

7. Hello Monday

Hello Monday is a parallax website example with a split-screen 3D parallax effect, with design cases on one side and supporting descriptions and case information. Each design case is unique in appearance and feel.

The website’s design incorporates an array of fascinating transition effects that add to a fluid user flow and a clean grid. This is complemented with a palette of vibrant hues, stunning imagery, and powerful typography.

8. Pitchfork

Pitchfork’s presentation on Bat for Lashes lead vocalist Natasha Khan was genuinely inspirational. The design is black and white, creating a dramatic appearance corresponding to the subject’s rock-star status.

This music parallax website example takes advantage of the parallax effect to divide the screen into parts and has a clever design that changes as we scroll down: the enormous images of Natasha Khan alter subtly. It draws us in as if we were a part of the singer’s picture shoot. Elegant and practical.

9. Playful 

The horizontal section’s stunning, sweeping backdrop pictures fill the whole screen like film slides on a reel. A lovely theme is forming from Playful, experts in art direction for fashion, beauty, and product design. Classic parallax scrolling, playful manipulation of the gorgeous visuals, and names of contemporary work. Consistency in the style and color of the font maintains the attention while the fun occurs behind the scenes, making Playful one of the best parallax effect website examples.

10. Madies

This crunchy food snack website uses enormous square blocks of color packed with photos and text overlaid on top of them. This is the way Mondrian would have used the Parallax effect. Because the blocks are slightly overlapped and animated, the site may seem too complicated, but the robust and transparent typography keeps it cohesive across the area.

11. PORSCHEvolution

PORSCHEvolution brings us on another journey across time and space. This creative parallax website example – PorschEvolution – showcases over a century’s worth of Porsche automobile development — or, to put it another way, of PorscheEvolution. Each decade is represented by a fresh layer that smoothly glides over the preceding one, allowing the observer to make detailed comparisons between the various automobile designs.

12. NASA Prospect

NASA Prospect is an audiovisual experience that tells the story of planetary prospectors through interactive elements. NASA has sent them to find the remnants of humanity strewn throughout the solar system due to a worldwide catastrophe.

This parallax website example is a basic, dynamic, and visually appealing use of the parallax effect. The music is a wonderful complement to the design since it helps build the mood and mesmerizes.

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13. Davide Perozzi

Davide Perozzi is a creative developer from Germany. In addition to generating a fantastic movement with outstanding contrast in static text, the thick black type heads on the sepia backdrop also move horizontally on the scroll. The seamless scrolling and project visuals that warp in response to the moving cursor contribute to the designer’s ability to demonstrate their own skills.

14. Firewatch Game

The game Firewatch is one of the coolest parallax animation examples, which creates a sense of depth at the top of the page. The use of brilliant color and layering results in a truly welcoming scene. The only way to tell whether something has worked is if you want to go into it, and we can say Firewatch is one of the most successful parallax effect examples.

15. Another Escape

Another Escape, an outdoor lifestyle magazine, has a fantastic website. It uses the parallax effect to divide the various areas of the website and provide us with the primary issues that the new edition touches on — immersing the reader in the current volume of the magazine before we ever get it.

This is one of the simple parallax scrolling examples that allow the user to concentrate on compelling photographs, which appeal to anybody who longs for the freedom of the solitary wilderness. It’s enough to persuade us to pack our belongings and relocate to Bavarian woodland! One of the simple parallax examples!

16. Garden Studio

Garden Studio’s site is self-contained using the parallax method solely at the site’s top. This requires the picture to be stunning and showcase their design abilities, fortunately it is. 

This parallax scrolling example is an almost visual view of a garden, with tree silhouettes surrounding the page on the left and right and autumn-leaved branches above. The eye is taken to the center and then dragged back via the meticulously layered composition towards the setting sun. Lovely. When you scroll down to the static page, it appears as though the sun has completely set. Quite ingenious and quite effective.

17. Letter

Letter is one of the parallax effect examples that astounded me with their scrolling video animation that happens as you browse down to the part behind the hero. When you scroll, the big credit card covered in a diamond comes out, which generates an aura of amazement for the user.

This similar diamond-encased credit card reappears in the “serious about security” section, spinning center as the section scrolls. These animations contribute to the card’s premium sense, which is critical given that it is intended for “high net-worth people.”

18. Building the Future

Ativar’s Building the Future conference uses parallax to show conference information dynamically.

An inventive example of this is just under their hero section. They show their logo vertically here and provide information on the conference’s educational aims on each side as you scroll. Generally, it seems to be a more entertaining method of conveying a text-heavy part. This parallax scrolling example encourages you to continue scrolling through what would be quite basic content.

19. Eyesprint

Text written in black on white or white on black is set against a bright backdrop of photographic action photos. Fixed text behind superimposed graphics, text swinging movement, and title appearing on hover, all of which are solid and imaginative. Eyesprint is an excellent parallax website example – a highly styled and unique website that incorporates a range of effects and features.

20. CodeQ

CodeQ is a big fan of parallax scrolling, which allows pictures to float above the static information they are next to.

Additionally, they employ parallax to give a feeling of depth on their portfolio pages by disclosing colorful layers above and below the portfolio photos as you scroll. This parallax website example also directs the reader’s focus to the text related to each project. The header overlaps the photographs and the description on the right-most side of every section.

21. Cyclemon 

Cyclemon is a cyclist’s paradise. As you go down the page, you’ll see various bikes in various settings. You’ll also notice that each cycle has a title representing the rider’s personality. Ideally, this provides context for the viewer and inspires them to convert – or so you may believe.

Indeed, this is not an online bicycle store. No, this is a website run by two graphic designers who sell their work. This excellent parallax website example illustrates how pleasing the parallax effect can be.

22. Calexo 

We nearly couldn’t get on this parallax scrolling example if we weren’t above the age of 21 because Calexo is a cannabis drink! An animated cursor guides you on a roller coaster trip around the whole site. It’s a dynamic site with a lot going on wherever you look, full of visual components and lines. Yet, it somehow works, mixing a classic feel with softer pastel hues to create a joyful, serene, hippie vibe that couldn’t be more appropriate.

23. Fueled

Fueled, mobile development and design studio have a fantastic parallax effect website. The use of parallax effects and vivid colors add to a one-of-a-kind website that correctly characterizes the firm.

I am infatuated with the middle section of the site, where when we scroll, we are met with a phone screen displaying some of the agency’s most notable projects. But here’s the twist: as you scroll, you’ll see that the extreme shifts in hues caused by parallax scrolling represent multiple projects, all displayed on the same, constant phone skin. This is such an ingenious and unforgettable parallax website example!

24. Majestyk Apps

At the top of the page, the central parallax element on the Majestyk website is seen right away. Beginning with a striking picture of a blurred head and shoulders against a galaxy-infused backdrop. After you’ve digested it, you start scrolling as directed. As the image is left alone, darkness engulfs the space with space. The remainder of the site is clean, sharp, and of high quality. Another descent to the bottom – this time, a volcano shape against a starry night sky offers a magnificent backdrop for the conclusion.

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25. Laracon

Laracon US is an annual meeting of enthusiastic individuals about developing incredible apps using the Laravel web framework. The critical factor is the venue, the Atlanta aquarium. The site sets the scene perfectly—a desert landscape with a downward scroll that takes you into and under the water. To the sea bottom, through layers upon layers. Continuously browsing vital information while surrounded by divers, fish, and marine life. A fantastic idea to establish the scenario innovatively and effectively.

26. Cancer Research Foundation

The Cancer Research Foundation’s bright and vibrant brand corresponds to the “bold” therapies they want their experts to investigate.

To tie the site’s scientific subject together, its design contains little drawings of research notes and molecular compounds that overlap with the text as you navigate. These components help immerse the user in the narrative being conveyed.

27. Unis Footwear

For Unis, their sustainability website is fascinating, which details the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship via their footwear goods.

The website is organized similarly to a timeline, with each sustainability tenant isolated inside its part but connected by a line as you scroll down the page. Additionally, the pairs of photos in each segment move and overlap as you scroll.

28. Toyfight

Toyfight specializes in site design and content strategy. When you first arrive on their website, you’re greeted by a brightly colored backdrop that contrasts wonderfully with two uncolored, white toy molds representing a comical combat scenario.

The first indication of the parallax effect is the movement of the toys in response to the pointer. You’ll learn more about Toyfight’s web designers, directors, and strategists as you scroll down.

Continue scrolling down to meet the company’s members, who assume the shape of paintless plastic toys. At the bottom, a toy hand resembling the rock-on hand horns emblem leaps from the footer.

You need to see it for yourself to really appreciate this parallax effect website!

29. Smith Institute

The Smith Institute is a group of professionals collaborating to provide insight and answers to mathematics and technical problems. On their “About” page, they employ parallax to showcase the milestones they’ve achieved throughout time.

The slow-rolling years and symbols in the backdrop help put their most significant accomplishments into perspective. Additionally, they add a vertical line linking each year on the timeline, indicating that they must continue scrolling.

30. Bad Diesel 

The parallax effect is used well in Bad Diesel. You may choose between two alternatives controlled by a sliding switch: learn how to be a badass or explore Diesel Bad’s aroma.

The Bad Guide is the default option, and instead of scrolling, the user clicks and then adjusts the material diagonally, vertically, sideways – in any manner conceivable.

The user is shown a hand icon to signify that they may click to drag and move the material; nevertheless, your impulse may be to browse first rather than click. This might be an issue for individuals who don’t often use desktop sites.

On the other hand, discovering this function is a pleasure since the user may rotate or slide the material, with the content reacting correspondingly, comparable to a massive sheet of paper, such as a map.

Each card you click on reveals a new tongue-in-cheek instruction on how to be awful. For instance: always sitting next to an entrance seat at a movie theater for “all eventualities” or staying in contact with your ex on Thursdays through Instagram.

31. Bamboo Toothbrush

Bite’s website is as fresh and clean as you’d expect from a dental hygiene website. The parallax effect is used to maintain the Bamboo Brush in the middle of the screen during the scroll-down process, and it works. The primary star is put front and center while the photos and textual information float on either side, finally placed in its specifically designed box. You never, ever lose sight of what is on offer here. This parallax website example keeps the viewer’s attention and focuses on the message.

32. Sketchy Media

Matt Thorne is a marketer winner of some digital marketing awards. Therefore, we expect him to advertise himself and his abilities on his website. You will not be disappointed; this sophisticated, attractive, and comprehensive site allows him to demonstrate his abilities without being ostentatious. Personal photography in black and white with a movement aspect and static color photos of work projects. An efficient and discreet approach to divide your site into distinct parts.

33. Packwire

Packwire, a bespoke packaging firm, offers a range of box sizes from which you may construct the ideal solution for your requirements.

The homepage highlights a handful of the hero area’s possibilities. With parallax, these containers animate and expand out to display the name and feature of the box size. Additionally, they each include a prominent yellow “customize it” button to assist you in determining which box is the best fit for your shipping requirements.

34. OnCorps

OnCorps demonstrates how an AI data analytics business can decrease your workload, risk, and errors by detecting patterns in the data generated by your company.

Typically, this knowledge would be uncreative or tedious to the ordinary layman, but the captivating parallax narrative makes it simple to digest. As you scroll down, you’ll see a burst of stars arranged into different patterns, bar charts rising like cliffs, and line charts swooshing like ocean waves.

Using the parallax effect, this is a terrific method of storifying an otherwise dark and serious subject and making it into a spectacle to marvel at.

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35. Delassus Group

Delassus Group, a fruit and flower grower in Morocco, reduces the parallax effect to its simplest form while maintaining its aesthetic integrity.

As soon as the user arrives on the site, they are instantly taken in by the site’s vibrant colors and enormous pixelated fruit, which reflect the company’s primary products: grapes, citrus, avocados, and flowers. The parallax effect is created by the gentle movement of the fruit and text that overlays the photos as the user scrolls or moves their pointer. This creates an apparent 3D look that enriches and brings the website to life.

This is arguably the best parallax effect example where the effect has no direct influence on the website’s narrative but somehow enhances the experience. In addition, it gives the user a sense of control by affecting the location of the fruit and text with their scrolling and pointer movements.

36. Defeat Boco

You’ll need some time to take in the Monsters after you’ve arrived before embarking on your trip. And you’ll need to plan ahead of time for this incredible voyage via the four-stage research/design/test delivery process. Each phase is a brilliant ode to the parallax effect, sliding horizontally and vertically over gorgeous abstract land and seascapes while taking the viewer on a trip through a working process. 

In a single word, genius!

37. Weglot

What I enjoy about Weglot is the ease of use of its parallax scrolling function. As soon as the user arrives on the page, they are instructed to scroll downwards and are displayed a progress bar indicating how far down the page they are.

The design is visually adventurous, featuring white earth against a peaceful pastel backdrop, with website growth numbers popping out in various countries as you scroll down. As the user scrolls, a side panel of gigantic letters comes out onto the screen, notifying the user of a tremendous linguistic barrier. The user is then offered a chisel to smash the wall, which means there is no barrier.

Even if you’re not planning to use their services, this narrative parallax scrolling example is worth a look.

38. WebFlow

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and see how the internet has evolved over the years? Then, CMS WebFlow’s website is your best option.

Throughout the website, you are taken on a trip through the history of the web, with different features that gradually transition into the modern-day design. WebFlow is an excellent parallax website example with colorful pictures and a smooth parallax effect. 

39. FPP

FPP is a store marketing agency, and you are looking at a shop website. It might be monotonous, but it isn’t. As though you were walking down a supermarket aisle, drawing you further into the website and genuinely presenting questions at the bottom of each page. Finally, you are thrown into the pineapple at the end of the aisle, it’s really working! As the pineapple rotates, you’ll have even more questions whirling around in your brain. It seems to be insane, yet it works – curious? That’s precisely what they’re looking for.

40. Aaron McGuire

Aaron McGuire is a freelancer and interactive designer from California with a fantastic portfolio site where he displays his work to great advantage. An uncommon flipbook page effect spans four pages; fiddling, exploring, creating, and animating are all included. Each is distinguished by its unique color scheme and transition and has visually appealing graphics.

41. St Regis, Venice 

A lovely combination of fantastic hotel photos, cuisine, and Venice. A complete sense of what’s available and an elementary but high-quality hotel website. What distinguishes it is the delicate and sensitive use of parallax. A fantastic parallax website example is almost invisible yet imparts a sense of movement and richness.

42. Canals

The Canals website is one of the best parallax effect examples that employ parallax scrolling to offer a unique virtual trip through the history of Amsterdam’s famed canals. This site’s distinctive atmosphere is created via horizontal scrolling and minor parallax effects on photos and headlines. As you browse, the years move, providing you with a historical overview and a fascinating online experience.

43. More Milk

More Milk, a Russian milk firm, offers a parallax scrolling example that graphically explains the milk manufacturing process. It has a lovely pastel color scheme and a milk bottle layer that moves faster than the backdrop layer, creating the illusion of someone tossing a milk bottle into the air.

As the user scrolls, a vertical movement bar is shown to the right of the UI to indicate how far they’ve scrolled away from 100%.

More Milk is one of the most fantastic parallax effect examples of integrating horizontal scrolling into parallax design. As you scroll below the fold, you’ll see that gorgeous typography emerges from left to right. Continue scrolling down to observe additional milk bottles spinning in place until you reach the footer, at which time a contact form appears and fills the entire structure.

44. Bite Sustainability

Bite Sustainability creates plastic-free personal care products to encourage a more environmentally friendly way of living. The company’s “Sustainability” page, which has been designated as such, is a spectacular parallax website sample. As you descend further into it, the ocean is becoming increasingly crowded with each scroll, where, regrettably, marine life and plastic rubbish coexist.

45. Reservoir Dogs Beer

Reservoir Dogs Beer is a website about brewers of artisan beers with a distinct sense of self. A visual picture is created and maintained by everything on this site. This piece is a mixed bag, part imitation of the film, part informational, and primarily concerned with visuals. Shadowy, brooding, and terrifyingly awesome to lead you along with the page, floating letters of Dogs in a visually stunning font overlay and interest in the photographs are included. 

What an extraordinary parallax effect example!

46. Boe Gin

Boe Gin is a parallax example website about the drink, represented by a large block of color. Set the mood with the site’s vibrant colors and lively design. There are no limits to how far you may go down the area because of the parallax effect used in the Gin tale. A top-of-the-line navigational aid and awesome parallax website design. 


Above are some amazing parallax websites for you to discover. Of course, some trends come and go in a flash, but the parallax effect is here to stay. This illustrates how the newest technology makes it simpler to produce something genuinely remarkable and leaves a lasting impact on your site.

Remember, it might obscure your primary point if you overuse the parallax effect. The basic goal of every web design element is to improve the user’s experience on the site. As a result, be confident that your concept achieves this goal.

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About Magezon Writer

Magezon Writer
In Magezon Blog, you can find a host of valuable pieces of information on e-commerce and Magento-related topics. As a content writer in Magezon, my mission is to generate insightful articles that assist merchants and web developers in their learning, developing and doing business.

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