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How to Configure Magento 2 Admin Session Lifetime

Magento 2 admin session lifetime - how to configure

Imagine you were performing everyday tasks in your Magento store. Then, you had to leave for an emergency. But the dreadful thing is that you forgot to turn off your device or at least sign out of the admin. Someone else can access your account, putting your store security at risk.

That moment is when you realize the Magento 2 admin session lifetime advantages. 

So what is Magento 2 admin session lifetime? How to configure it? This blog will reveal the steps right below!

What Is Session Lifetime?

As the term implies, a session lifetime is a timeframe in which an end-user does not interact with his device. The session ends when the user signs out of his account or closes the browser. Furthermore, the admin will automatically log out when he reaches the limited session duration. 

Magento admin session lifetime is another effective way to protect your store from malicious third-parties, along with Magento 2 two-factor authentication (Magento 2FA). 

The default time out for a Magento admin session is 9000 seconds (equivalent to fifteen minutes) of keyboard inactivity. Therefore, if you want to either extend or shorten your session to work more conveniently, you have to reset the configuration. Let’s move on to the setting instruction!

Learn more:
How to Disable 2FA in Magento 2.4 Using Command Lines
How to Create Magento Admin User With Various Access Levels
Magento 2 Website, Store, Store View: What’re the Differences?

Set up Admin Session Lifetime

Step 1: Access Magento Security Session

First, sign in to your Magento admin account. In the admin panel, follow Stores > Settings > Configuration:

Stores >> Settings >> Configuration | Magento 2 admin session lifetime

In the left sidebar panel, click Advanced > Admin:

Advanced >> Admin | Magento 2 admin session lifetime

And in this menu, span Security section:

span Security | Magento 2 admin session lifetime

Step 2: Set up Your Desired Magento 2 Admin Session Lifetime

Set up your admin session lifetime | Magento 2 admin session lifetime

Before starting your configuration, please untick the checkmark Use system value. Enter your admin session lifetime value you want to the field. The acceptable minimum value is 60 (equivalent to 1 minute), and the maximum value is 31536000 (equivalent to 1 year).

Step 3: Click Save and Go to Refresh the Magento Cache

After configuring, click the Save button in the top right corner:

Click save | Magento 2 admin session lifetime

Then, you need to delete the Magento cache. There are 2 ways for you to do it.

Way 1: Refresh cache from the admin panel.

  • Navigate to System > Cache Management:
System >> Cache Management
  • In the cache management grid, look at the column Cache Type. Tick Configuration and Page Cache:
Tick Configuration and Page Cache
  • Select Refresh, and then click Submit:
Select Refresh, and then click Submit

Way 2: Refresh cache using the following command lines:

Refresh cache using the following command lines

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About Laura Cao

Laura Cao
Laura graduated from Foreign Trade University with a bachelor’s degree in Business English and is currently serving as a content marketer at Magezon. She indulges in reading and writing everything about Magento. In her spare time, gardening and hanging out with friends are her area of interest.

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