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Explain Responsive Email Design in Magento 2 Email Builder

All you need to know about responsive Magento email design

When creating a web page, along with a brilliantly designed theme, people also take into account the responsiveness of the page. The term “responsive design” is even more important to email templates than ever because of the device diversity. Magento 2 store owners now need a product that not only allows them to create and customize eye-catching email templates but also responsively well designs these templates in no time. 

In this blog, I’ll offer a deep explanation about responsive Magento email design in Magento 2 Email Builder. No more further ado, let’s get started!

1. What is a responsive web design?

what is a responsive web design

First of all, I thought a short explanation from Wikipedia may be in order. 

“Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction.” 

All in one, it’s the intelligent use of CSS queries to make sure your layout, image, and text block look rational in almost all types of devices.

2. How Responsive Magento Email Design Matters

Today we have many device types with their unstoppable development of size and resolution. That means users are likely to read our emails by any of them. So here are the reasons why people should take the responsiveness into consideration when creating an email template: 

  • Official statistic says that 52% of official communication is done over emails
  • According to Litmus survey, 42% of emails are read on mobile. 
  • Small fonts, narrow columns, and broken layouts are common issues when we shift reading emails from desktop to mobile.

3. How Responsive Email Design Looks in Magento 2 Email Builder

Besides the intelligent responsiveness function, in each element’s design option setting, Magento 2 Email Builder also offers the device type field that enables you to customize your email to have its best viewability in all devices. 

Try FREE Email Builder demo today

Create any Magento transaction email templates that match your web design and theme. Without time-wasting, of course, no coding skills needed. 

Design options setting in Magento 2 Email Builder elements

If you choose custom, there are 5 screens for you to customize your email look, they are desktop, tablet landscape, tablet portrait, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait. 

custom device types

Finally, browse through the examples below to get a taste to the wide range of responsive design that Magento 2 Email Builder brings: 

template look on Iphone X

Iphone X

template look on Black Berry Z30

Black Berry Z30

template look on Galaxy Note 3

Galaxy Note 3

template look on Laptop with HiDPI screen

Laptop with HiDPI screen

template look on Laptop with MDPI screen

Laptop with MDPI screen

template look on Ipad



We hope that this post has opened your knowledge about responsive Magento email design in Magezon Email Builder. If you find our blogs helpful, do not forget to turn on your notifications because we’ll be back with lots of amazing posts. Feel free to leave your questions in the comment section below.

Try FREE Email Builder demo today

Create any Magento transaction email templates that match your web design and theme. Without time-wasting, of course, no coding skills needed. 

About Laura Cao

Laura Cao
Laura graduated from Foreign Trade University with a bachelor’s degree in Business English and is currently serving as a content marketer at Magezon. She indulges in reading and writing everything about Magento. In her spare time, gardening and hanging out with friends are her area of interest.

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